"I am Courageously and Creatively Desperate for a Culture Shift"

It is Women's Herstory Month and Rivers of Living Water Ministries, UCC is Celebrating Black Womyn's Courage, Culture & Creativity. Thank Bishop-Elect Vanessa Brown, Prophetess Twana, Leadership, and church family for receiving me to give God’s word on 3/21/2021

I honor and uplift the ancestral matriarchs and my living matriarchs: Grandma Barbara Patricia Francis, my mother Marie Tulloch, my auntie Sandra Brown whose values and teaching ground me every day with a better understanding of life, compassion, love, justice, and the willingness to create space for so much more. This honor also includes women I am connected and not connected to in any way, shape, or form that is good and divine.

In this sermon, I bring an address about desperation in such a time as this. It is a message about the spirit of desperation and our perceived notions, shaming and condemning desperate women across the identity spectrum. The sermon is called "I am Courageously and Creatively Desperate for a Culture Shift.”

I hope this word blesses you so that you can bless others.

Let me know your thoughts.

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